Golden Monkey Trekking Uganda

Golden Monkey Trekking Uganda is one of the most impressive things you can do in Uganda is visit Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. This National park is a home to the impressive Golden monkeys. And in it is where most of the golden monkey tracking in Uganda Happens. These are beautiful and special monkeys that live in Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo.

Golden monkey trekking can be a more active type of tour than chimpanzee or gorilla trekking, as it takes place in the mountains and the monkeys are constantly on the move. That means they are small and move quickly, so you have to keep up. They like to eat young bamboo shoots, so they like to stroll through the bamboo groves in the forest. They live in herds of about 30 or more animals and travel over large areas. To see the golden monkeys, you must obtain permission in advance from your travel agent. Please let us know which days you would like to hike

The Golden Monkey trek starts early in the morning. First, there will be a gathering at 7 a.m., and information will be provided by park staff. Hikers can then begin their journey into the park. Golden Once he finds a monkey, you can spend an hour with him. The hike typically takes about 2 hours, depending on where you stayed the night before and your distance from the trailhead – Golden Monkey Trekking Uganda