15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda Overview

15 Days Gorila Safari in Uganda – During this 2week trip in Uganda, you will have the opportunity to see many diferent kinds of animals, enjoy beautiful sights, and learn about diferent cultures. Many people enjoy going on this tripp to see and follow mountain gorillas and chimpanzes. 

You can see alot of diferentanimalls like rhinos, lions, hippos, buffaloes, leopards, elephants, and many kinds of birds. Have fun exploring the big lakes formed in craters and the powerful Murchison Fals in the western and southern parts of the country. This journey wil take you close to the natural beuty and cultural heritage of Uganda, known as the Pearl of Africa.

Day 1: Arrival and Transfer to Rhino Sanctuary – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

When you arrive at Entebbe airport, someone from Adventure in the wild Safaris will welcome you and take you to your accommodation in Kampala. Enjoy the nice wind that comes from the second biggest lake on Earth, which is called Lake Victoria. Have a nice meal and spend the night15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 2: Transfer to Murchison falls – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

The guide will pick yo up at the hotel after you have breakfast and drive you to Murchison Falls national park in Uganda. You will go through different areas, including the Luwero triangle.
In the early 1980s, there was a lot of fiightiing in Luwero. This fighting helped the National Residence movement to win. You will stop in Masindi for lunch and the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for some rest and an opportunity to see the very rare and at risk white rhinos.

In Uganda’s wildlife parks, the rhinos have been completely wiped out because many people have been illegally hunting and killing them for their horns. After there are more of them in their safe place, people want to put them back in the national parks. The driver wil drive you to the top of the Murchison Fals after you have visited the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. There, you can take pictures and listen to the very loud sounds of the river Nile. Have a nice dinner and spend the night at Pakuba Lodge to end your day.

Day 3: Game Drive and Boat Cruise to the Bottom Of the Falls – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

The biggest national park in Ugannda, called Murchison Fals, has lots of animals to see. When the safari rides begin early in the morning after breakfast, there is a better chance of seeing diferent types of animals, especially the ones that prefer to stay hidden during the hot part of the day. During the wildlife drive, we look for giraffes, elephants, hartebeest, buffaloes, leopards, lions, and various types of birds on the northern side of the River Nile – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda
Then you will arrive at the lodge, have your lunch, and get ready for an afternoon safari on the river Nile.

We will keep exploring the River Nile on a boat safari in the afternoon and head towards the beautiful Murchison Falls. The slow and relaxed boat ride gives you a better chance to see many different animals, birds, and other wild animals. You can watch the waterfalls from underneath. After that, you wil arrive at the lodge where you can have diner and spend the night. 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 4: Drive to Kibale Forest National Park – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Today, we are going to visit Kiibale National Pak, where chimpanzees live. There are 13 types of priimates in the Kibale Forest. People mainly visit for tracking chimpanzees and watching birds. There are small towns and busy markets on the roads that lead to this tropical jungle. Someone will bring lunch with them. This trip will last for more than 8 hours before you reach the park. Once you arrive, you will check in and someone will tell you where to go for dinner. After eating, you can spend the night at the lodge – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 5: Chimp Tracking in Kibale – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

A fun and satisfying journey, chimpanzee tracking brings you into dense forests with flowing water and lots of different animals. Right after you eat breakfast, you should go to the park office. There, you will meet the ranger guide who will give you a talk before your chimpanzee adventure begins. On your hike, you might see red-tailed monkeys, black-and-white Columbus monkeys, butterflies, and birds making sounds from the trees. Your guide will help you locate the chimpanzees. I love taking pictures and watching them have fun, groom themselves, and eat – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

If you have time, go to Bigodi wetland after lunch. They have many different types of birds and monkeys. It is a community project. This community enterprise helps young people find jobs by guiding tours. Some of the money that is collected helps pay teachers and build schools. Go to the lodge, eat your dinner, and get ready to stay there for the night15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elisabeth National Park – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

UgandaWe are going on a wildlife trip today in Queen Elizabeth National Park after having breakfast. You can see several lakes in craters and the mysterious Rwenzori Mountain ranges. Go on a boat ride in Kazinga Channel after you get to the park and have lunch. An amazing way to enjoy and value the water, animals, birds, and taking pictures is by going on a boat trip.
Soon, you will reach the park, where you can check in, have dinner, and spend the night – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 7: Game Drive and Ishasha Sector – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

The animals are starting their days with their different families, groups, and clans. Observe animals in their homes and compare them to animals kept in cages at zoos. You will mostly do this in the Kasenyi Plains, where there is a big area where Kobs mate. Be careful of elephants, lions, leopards, waterbucks, buffaloes, and many colorful birds – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

After we met, we go to Ishasha. Ishasha is well-known for its lions that can climb trees. We go there to watch them. Even though it’s hard to find them, we will start looking with the help of rangers. Lunch will either be a outdoor meal or served at the nearby place to stay. From that point, you will arrive at the lodge where you will have dinner and stay overnight – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 8: Transfer to Bwindi National Park – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Today, we started our journey to Bwindi where the mountain gorillas live. The path goes through the Kigezimountains’ stepped hills. Based on when you arrive, lunch will be either on the way or at the resort. Go to sleep at your hotel in the resort. You deserve it -15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 9: Gorilla Trekking at Bwindi – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Mountain gorilas are big, kind animals that reside in Uganda’s MgahingaGorila National Pak and Bwiindi Impenetrable Forest. The large forest of Bwindii has many diferent kinds of trees, birds, buterflies, monkeys, and other animals. A ranger is going to trek you in search of huge gorillas to save details of the endangered mountain gorillas living far inside Bwindi jungles with other trackers. You have limited time to catch your best moments with the gorillas 15 day of Gorilla Safaries in Uganda

It will be between one hour to approximately eight hours to complete the trekking expedition. If you are not in the modeling for tracking the gorillas, you may take a short-guided walk in the forest and/or visit a local village with a guide.
From here, you will drive to the lodge to have lunch and then later go for an evening Batwa nature walk. You will have a chance to meet with these people and discuss with them as they share their lifestyles.
On reaching the lodge, have dinner and stay overnight.15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 10: Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

When you share your Gorilla Experience with us, we visit Lake Bunyonyi, second deepest lake in Africa. Dine “.in the height of Rwanda’s beauty. at the Aperture Restau .” – see the beautiful country with fantastic-looking hills, meticulously contoured by locale people for farming, by Sir Winston Churchill. This is the “Switzeland of Africa” – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 11: Lake Bunyonyi Islands – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Wake up after a good night of rest of today, take your breakfast as you bask in the sunrise over Lake Bunyonyi. On all sides of the area are beautiful hills. The people have made terraces on the hills to grow potatoes and other crops, for themselves and to sell the extra – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda
Take a boat ride to some of the 29 Islands and learn its past and way of life.
The most significant story is about the “punishment island.” Your guide will tell you about it while you are in the boat.

In the afternoon, after having lunch, you could do a swim in the lake, an enthralling activity. Head for bird watching where you meet various bird species, or climb the raised heap to realize a panoramic view of the lake and its islands. Otherwise, relax at the sand beach of the lake to enjoy reading.

Day 12: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Lake Mburo National Pak in South Western Uganda is a magnificent place that not many people are familiar with. It is succh a wondrous place to travel across. It is characterized by a cool, rewarding visual, through a collage of pretty countryside, plantations, and farms.

Lunch will be at Igongo Cultural Museum. This museum shows how local indigenous people used to live on a daily rhyme. Soon, you arrive at the park.
Later in the afternoon, we shall enjoy a boat ride on Lake Mburo in the park. On arrival, check-in at the park and later transfer to the lodge where you will have dinner and overnight – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Day 13: Transfer to Entebbe Via Equator – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Drive through nature sightseeing animals in the wild and then drive to Kampala after breakfast early in the morning. We make a short stop at the Equator line. If you arrive early, we can have lunch in the city or at the Equator before we retreat to Jinja.

Day 14: Water Rafting in Jinja – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Wake up early in the moning, have your brekfast, and make your way to Jinja. Located here is the point that marks the beginning of the Nile River, cutting across Africa and is aproximately 4000 km in length. On reaching, your driver guide will ensure that you embark on water rafting. Standing here, you will see other groups and people waiting to have their day filled with fun.
The day will be paddled through the rapids of the Nile River. Half the rapids will be covered in the morning and in the afternoon. A client can decide to paddle half of this day and take a break in the afternoon, or they do another activity.

Day 15: Departure – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda – 15 Days Gorilla Safari in Uganda

We hope that you realy enjoyed Uganda, its physical beautiful features, and the friendly Ugandan people. Make souvenirs purchases; then later head to the airport.

21 Days Uganda Safari