14 Days Safari in Uganda

14 Days Safari in Uganda Overview

14 Days Safari in Uganda – Uganda has special things to see and do that are different from other African safari places. This Best of Uganda safari vacation lets you make the most of those unique things. The trip starts in Entebbe, where you’ll most likely fly into. Then, you’ll travel through lovely hills on the southwest route, and later continue on the southern path along the Nile to Murchison Falls and Kidepo valley – Safari in Uganda

This special trip is well-organized to give you amazing experiences in nature that you will remember forever, like seeing mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and meeting playful monkeys in Kibale – Safari in Uganda14 Days Safari in Uganda

Most tourists who visit the Pearl of Africa really suggest seeing the mountain gorillas. To visit a group of mountain gorillas that are used to humans, everyone needs to be in good physical shape to walk on the difficult paths in the jungle. – Safari in Uganda

If you don’t experience the local cultures, your trip to Africa is not fully finished. The Batwa, who live in the forests, are found in Bwindi. The Karamojong nomads are studied in Kidepo. These two strong civilizations will show you how ancient people lived because they have not changed much by modern society – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 1: Arival at Entebbe Internatiional Airport – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

When you get to Entebee International Airport, someone from Adventure in the wild safaris will come to get you and bring you to your hotel in Entebbe. Please rewrite the folowing text in simple words: In order to complete the task, you will be given a total of 15 minutes. – Safari in Uganda14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 2: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

SafarriHollidays in Uganda – Cann you agree that it is difficult to explain how it feels when you wake up in Africa for the first time. So, after a relaxed breakfast, go to lakeMburonationnalparrk, which is the smallest nationnal park in Uganda and is located in Kiruhuradistriict – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

This trip wil last for more than 4 hours until you reach your actual destination. During your journey, you wil make a stop at the equator. Here, you can take photos and unwind. Then you will start your journey and arrive at Lake Mburo national park. Check in and have lunch. In the evenning, go on a game drive to see diferent animals like zebras, impalas, monkeys, and more. Go back to the lodge and get ready for dinner and sleeping there for the night – 14 Days Safari in Uganda14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 3: Full Day at L.Mburo National Park – 14 Days Safarri in Uganda

Safari Hollidays in Uganda – On the third day of our tripp, we will be spennding the entire day at Lake MburoNatiional Park.

The small and practical Lake Mburo National Park is where the Best of Uganda Safaris lets you experience the savannah for the first time. Go on a safari in the morning to see Africa’s large animals up close. Go back to the lodge before breakfast.

After you eat breakfast, you will take a walk in the park to see nature and then ride in a canoe on Lake Mburo. You will come back in time to eat lunch at the lodge. After you eat lunch, take a walk around the lodge until it gets dark before going to bed. This was a great day in the savanna, and it ended with a gorgeous African sunset – 14 Days Safari in Uganda14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 4: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Right after you finish your tasty breakfast, meet up with the person driving you or guiding you and travel on the paths where animals roam to the main road. Come with us on a triip to the southwest part of Uganda. We will see beutiful landscapes as we pass through the towns of Mbarrara, Kabaale, and Kissoro. Our fiinaldestinnation is the NkuringoBwindiGorila Lodge, where we will stay in the forrest for a few nights. You need to drive for seven to eight hours, and you’ll make a few stops in beautiful African villages.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest has the most biirds in Africa. It is home to 23 out of the 24 types of biirds that are found in Uganda’s AlbertineRifft. BwindiNationnal Pak used to be part of a larger forrest along with the VirungaVolcanos in Rwanda. Now, it is a small protected area surrounded by human activities, but it is very important for conservation efforts – 14 Days Safari in Uganda14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 5: Gorilla Trekking at Bwindi – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

The Best of Uganda Safari becomes even more exciting when you go into the African jungle after breakfast to find the rare mountain gorilla. Breakfast is usually around 7:45am. You also have food and drinks in your bag. Your driver will take you to the starting point of the trail where you will be told how to safely find and spend time with gorillas.

We will have a guide, two rangers, and seven more people who track gorilla families with us when we go into the jungle.

When gorillas move around in the thick forest, they can do this for a few hours or even a whole day. To make sure you are safe and the gorillas are comfortable, you must follow very strict rules – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

When you find the gorilla families, you can spend more than an hour with them and enjoy yourself. After that, you will return to the lodge and take it easy, getting ready for a batwa encounter in the evening. In this place, you will meet the batwa people. You can enjoy music with them, hear stories, and learn about their way of life. You will return to the lodge for your dinner and to stay overnight.

Day 6: Transfer from Bwindi to Queen Elisabeth National Park – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Go up Nteko Ridge after a very early breakfast until you reach where the Ivy River Trail and the forest meet (7 km). From there, you can start the amazing journey into the forest (13km – 4-5 hours). The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is a big nature reserve where you can see monkeys, duikers, bush pigs, some famous birds, and lots of butterflies – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

If you’re fortunate, you might even see gorilas. The VirungaVolcanos in nearby Rwanda used to be a part of a larger forrest, but now the park is an isolated piece of land surrounded by farmland and towns. It is very important for protecting nature – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

This Uganda safarri activity focuses on a guide teaching you about the forest while you go on a walk in the wild. It’s more than just wallking from one place to annother. The traiil is an important path for people who live in Nkuringo and Nteko and want to go to Buhoma. This is especially helpful on market days.

Because there isn’t a road through Bwindi, it takes a car 6 to 8 hours to travel the amazing 170 miles between the two places – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Once you get to the park’s main office in Buhoma, get in the car and go to Queen Elizabeth National Park. The lions in the southern part of Ishasha National Park are special because they can climb trees. They are a fascinating and exciting attraction for anyone going on a safari in that area. The Uganda Kob is a type of animal that lions eat. They eat the grass on the plains, while the lions sometimes cliimb and hang from the big fig trees. The tripp usually lasts about four hours and covers a distance of 182 kilometers – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 7: Game Drive and Boat Cruise at Kaziinga Chanel – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

In the morning, you can go on a safarri in Queen Ellisabeth National Park and take a boat ride on the Kazinga Channel. This channel joins Lake George and Lake Edward and lets you see animals and birds along the river banks, including groups of hippos. Recently, people have noticed crocodiles in the Channel. However, for the past 8,000 years, crocodiles were not seen because Lake Edward was contaminated by volcanic ash, which made them leave – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

One of the earliest parks in Uganda is called Queen Elizabeth National Park. It was officially openned in the year 1952. The pak used to be called “Kazinga National Park” before 1954, but it was given a new name in honor of Queen Ellisabeth II of Great Britain. The Queen Ellisabeth National Park (QENP) has 619 different types of birds. This is the second-highest number of birds in any paak in Africa and the sixth-highest number in the world. It is also home to 95 types of animals, which is more than any other park in Uganda – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Take a break during your Best of Uganda Safari and go back to the place you are staying for lunch. After that, go on a boat ride in the afternoon along the Kazinga channel. When you go west towards Lake Edward, you can see lots of hippos and different types of birds along the sides of the 40-foot wide channel.

Day 8: Transfer to Kibale National Park – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Wake up early and start another safari adventure in Uganda to see the animals in the savanna. See more African safari animals as you encounter them while they are searching for food.

Your personal driver will easily go onto the road to Kibale Forest National Park. Enjoy the views as you drive along the border in south-western Uganda on the Kasese-Fort Portal road. Many different types of primates are celebrated at Kibale Forest National Park. The journey from Kasese to Kibale will take you around three to four hours by car – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 9: Chimp Habituation in Kibale – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

This involved spending time with chimpanzees and learning about their behaviors and habits.

Here is your second opportunity to finish the exciting Best of Uganda Safari rainforest jungle challenge. In this challenge, you will try to find the energetic chimpanzee group and follow their usual daily activities. Will you say yes to it. It’s exciting and makes you tired, but it’s valuable.

You will go to the park office, bringing your lunch with you. There, they will give you information about the chimpanzee habituation experience.

Then, you will travel a short distance to the beginning of the trail. From there, you will enter the jungle with a ranger who has a weapon, a guide just for you, as well as doctors and scientists. You will spend the whole day with chimpanz1es and stay close to them. Many diferent types of aniimals, like the Red Colobbus, Black and White Colobus, Grey-cheeked Mangabey, Olive Baboon, Red-tailed Monkey, and L’Hoest’s Monkey, and lots of birds can be seen when you go tracking. Afterwards, you will arrive at the lodge and have dinner before staying overnnight.14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 10: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Have breakfast early, go across the Escarpment, and look at the beautiful views as you go into Murchison Falls National Park. On this day, we will be driving for about 6 hours. We will take breaks often so you can take a breath of fresh air.

Before going to the resort, go on a safari to see them returning from their hunting trips. Arrive at the lodge, enjoy dinner, and stay overnight.

Day 11: Game Drive and Boat Cruise at Murchison – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Start the day with a drive on the Murchison tracks after breakfast on this safari holiday in Uganda. Explore the African savanna and have another exciting wildlife encounter. Giraffes, elephants, lions, hartebeest, and many types of birds were there to be seen. Be careful and keep an eye out for animals like the graceful Rothschild Giraffe, Jackson’s Hartebeest, Uganda Kob, Defassa Waterbuck, Buffaloes, Elephants, Warthogs, Hippos, Oribi, and if you’re lucky, you might spot a leopard and lion too, among other types of animals – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

You will go on a boat ride in the morning to see the bottom of the Murchison waterfalls after a fun game drive. Watch carefuly for different types of birds, hippos, waterbucks, and Nile crocodiles. You get off the boat at the bottom of the waterfalls, go up by either climbing or wallking, and when you reach the top, you’ll see amaziing sights of the Nile. Also, make sure to watch for different types of birds. Afterwards, you will return to the lodge, have your meals, and stay overnight there – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 12: Transfer to Kidepo National Park – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

For this part of the Best of Uganda Safari plan, you can choose between two options. Option 1 is to fly on a private airplane from Pakuba to Entebbe, and then from Entebbe to Apoka airport in Kidepo. Option two is to drive from Murchison to KidepoNatiional Park, which takes about 8hrs and covers a distance of 440 kilometers. We prefer the former option the most.

Go to Pakuba by car for your flight back to Entebbe after a relaxing breakfast. You will take another normal local flight from Entebbe to Kidepo Valley – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

The estimated time of arrival is in 1 hr and 30 mins. You wil be colected from the airport and taken to Apoka Lodge. There, you can relax, get comfortable, and have lunch. Go on a game drive through Kidepo Valley National Park in the evening after having lunch. You will see many animals like Elephants, Zebras, Bush pigs, Rothschild, and others. After that, you wil go to the place you are staying for the night, have dinner, and spend the night there – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 13: Wildlife in Kidepo Valley – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

We went on a safari in KidepoValey National Park after breakfast. We searched for lions, cheetahs, and lepards for a few hours. After eating breakfast later than usual, go back to the lodge. Have fun swimming in the outdoor pool in the middle of the morning while watching animals go past the lodge. The lodge is a great place to watch animals, and you might hear hyenas and lions at night.

Have a delicious lunch in the savanna while resting on your Best of Uganda Safari tour. We can organize a nighttime game drive where the car stays still so you can see a beautiful African sunset. Go to the lodge, have dinner, and get ready for your night’s stay – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Day 14: Flight to Entebbe and Depart – 14 Days Safari in Uganda

Going back to the lodge to eat breakfast and lunch after an early morning drive to see animals. To get to Entebbe, you will be brought to the airport. Our driver will bring you to Papyrus Guesthouse where you can relax in a room for the day. Go to Entebbe International Airport later today for an evening flight –