Gorilla Trekking Uganda 11 Days

Gorilla Trekking Uganda Overview

Gorilla Trekking Uganda, This will enable you to visit some of the famous National Park in Uganda. You will do a gamedrive and boat cruise at Lake Mburo National Park. Bwindi forest National Park you will track gorillas. Queen Elizabeth National Pak you will have game drives and a boatcruise on the Kazinga channel.Visit Kibale National Park for trekking chimpanzees, a walk through the Bigodi Wetland, game drives at Murchison Falls National Park, and enjoy a boat cruise to see the beautiful Murchison Falls. Now, lets go for safari adventure

Day 1: Entebbe National Park – Arrival

On arrival, the JM Jungle Safari guide will meet you  and transfer you to your Guest House or Hotel where you will spend the night. Depending on the time of arrival you may opt for a boat trip to Ngamba Island, which is optional and not in the quote, visit the nearby Entebbe Botanic garden, or go to the Uganda Wildlife Education center. Please provide the text you want me to rephrase in simple words.Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Day2: Transfer to Lake Mburo – Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

After breakfast  drive to Lake Mburo National Park. You will stop on the way at the Equator crossing at Kayabwe. You can take pictures and do some stretching there. You can do easy experiments there. You will be punctual in Lake Mburo National Park to have an afternoon drive to see the animals on the way and a boatride on the Lake.

Day 3: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable forest Natonal Park

Very early in the morning, take breakfast and proceed to bwindi impentrable forest national park. This journey will reward you  with views of the green hills of Uganda, banana and tea farms along the way.  You will have lunch en route and reach Bwindi in the eveningGorilla Trekking Uganda

Day4: Gorilla Trekking  Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

After breakfast in the early morning and packing lunch, you will drive to the Park Headquarters for registration at around 7:45 am. From there  you will meet other trackers who will brief you on the dos and don’ts for your Gorilla Tracking adventure – Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda.

Guides will help you through the thick plants and bushes for hiking and finding the Gorillas. This hike can take you from 30 minutes or 45 minutes to a few hours. The ground is full of trees, so very thick, and many paths made by the animals, which people can use to go through. This depends most of the time on how the gorillas move. But it feels amazing to be with these beautiful animals that are in danger of disappearing.

Day 5 Transfer to Queen Elisabeth National Park

Very early in morning you will head to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Get ready to behold some captivating view as you drive. You will reach at the lodge for lunch. After lunch you willgo for gamedrive with in the plains of Kasenyi in search of Savannah animals such as buffalo, antelopes, and elephants. In case you are lucky enough, there is achance to encounter lions and leopards.Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Day 6: Game Drive and Afternoon Boat cruise at Kazinga Channel – Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

This morning you will drive back to the Kasenyi plains to see what you might have missed out on yesterday. You will have lunch at this lodge. After lunch, you will drive to the jetty near the Kazinga channel for an afternoon boat ride. The ride gives you a close view of nice animals like hippos, elephants, buffaloes, crocodiles, and various birds that come to drink water.

Day 7: Morning Game Drive and Transfer to Kibale – Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

After breakfast, drive to the Kasenyi, Queen Elizabeth National Park Northern bank, for wild game drive to see elephants, buffalo, wild cats, with chances of different types of antelopes like water buck and Uganda kobs and also see the birds that live in the Savannah. Later on, after lunch, drive to Kibale National Park in the evening to the lodge.Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Day 8: Chimpanzee Trekking -Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

After your breakfast, you will have a drive to Kibale National Headquarters which is called Kanyanchu. Here you can congregate with other people who will be trekking in the forest to seek chimpanzees. Before starting the journey, there will have briefing or pre-trek information and guidelines.

You will be assisted by an experienced ranger/guide to help you on the guided primate walk within Kibale Forest National Park. In this forest, one can visit one of the groups of chimpanzees that are habituated to human presence. You can have an hour with these great apes, observing how they go on. Take pictures at will; do not forget a camera. Kibale National Park is a place par excellence that plays host to 13 different varieties of monkeys and apes alongside the Chimpanzees. There exists a lot of types of birds that are resident in the forest. Actually, this becomes another greatly recommended place by people who love birds.

After lunch, you will proceed to Bigodi wetland for a wetland walk. You may see monkeys, different types of birds. This walk will provide you an insight into how the local residents of Bigodi are working towards the conservation of this wetland. You will have the opportunity to support them by donating any items of your choice instead of money. Do not feel obliged to do so – Gorilla Trekking Uganda. Day 9: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park – Exciting Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Drive to Murchison falls national park. On the way you can stop at small towns, villages, and get beautiful views from the top of the cliffs. You’ll reach the park at evening.Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Day 10: Game Drive and Boat Cruise to The Botom of the falls

After morning coffee, you will be driven to the Northern part of the Park known as Paraa for a game drive. Remarkably, the word Paraa itself is derived from a dialect spoken by a group of people called Luo. This literally means a home or a place of hippos. You’ll have a chance to see different animals in their national habitants.

And later you’ll head back lunch at the lodge. After lunch, you will proceed to the pier for a two-hour boatride. While on the ride, you will see alot of Hippos in groups and see how the River Nile squeezes into this small narrow area before exploding out, giving you a very exciting and terrific experience.

Day 10: Transfer Back to Entebbe

After finishing your breakfast, take a car ride back to the Entebbe international Airport. In case you have enough time before your flight, you can choose to do the Zziwa Rhino sanctuary visit. Not mandatory and not in the tour’s inclusions.